sbeadex™ NA purification kits
sbeadex™ magnetic microparticles enable automated high-throughput extraction and purification of high quality DNA and RNA. A novel two step binding mechanism via an adapter allows more specific binding of nucleic acids than traditional magnetic beads. Final washes with pure water deliver nucleic acids in high yield, purity and quality. sbeadex™ chemistry is perfectly adapted to high-throughput extraction platforms.
See how it works ( click image below)

• Development of protocols that are customised to your requirements
• Tailor-made extractions like modified lysis or elution steps according to user requirements
• Extraction speed optimisation - quicker results
• Highly flexible batch sizes
• No potential PCR inhibitors in final wash buffers - e.g. organic solvents, salts
• Applicable for most popular robotic platforms (f.e. Hamilton, TECAN or KingFisher)
• Achieve sustainable extraction with non-ethanol wash
• Sbeadex is suitable for many different sample types including plant, blood, tissue, forensic and plasmid extractions and more...
Technical Spec
The particles used in sbeadex™ and mag™ kits are modified superparamagnetic particles, which allow efficient and high quality purification of small and large DNA fragments. These allow efficient and high quality purification of small and large nucleic acid fragments from different sample materials. The beads are attracted by strong permanent magnets, but they do not become permanent magnets.
Parameters of the magnetic particles:
Colour Dark brown
Size < 53 µm, 80% 5-10 µm
Shape irregular
Specific weight 3.0 – 3.5 g / 10 mL dry particles
Maximum capacity 2 µg DNA / mg particles
Storage/stability > 2 years as dry powder at room temperature (normally the beads are delivered as suspension which is stable approx. 6 months)