Like the μ-Transfection Kit VI (cat. no. K010), μ-Proteofection Kit VI, developed especially for proteofection, is a unique combination of μ-Slides VI from ibidi and PROTEOfectene™ from Biontex. The high-performance kit enables living proteofected cells to be observed under high-resolution microscopy.
In the ultra-simple protocol, adherent cells are treated in the μ-Slide with proteoplexes formed from PROTEOfectene™ and a corresponding protein, and can subsequently be observed directly in excellent optical quality. Examples of applications include tracking the progress of a fluorescence-tagged protein through the cell from endocytosis to its place of action.
- Immediate live observation possible
- Ideal optical properties for transmitted light and fluorescence microscopy
- Optimum cell vitality
- Full serum compatibility
- Visualization of transfection process in living cells
- Efficient, rapid protocol
- Cells can be fixed and dyed
- Compatible with oil immersion
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