Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Cell Culture Contamination Control

Cell Culture Contamination Control: Cell Culture Standardisation

Onar® Bacteria

The Onar® Bacteria kit provides laboratories with a simple and rapid means to confirm eubacteria infection in various in situ biologicals including cell cultures.

Minerva Biolabs

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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12-1005Onar®EUBSample €6.00 Quantity Add to Order
12-1025Onar®EUB25 tests €192.00 Quantity Add to Order
12-1100Onar®EUB100 tests €606.00 Quantity Add to Order
12-1250Onar®EUB250 tests €1,290.00 Quantity Add to Order


Bacteria are frequently found as contaminants in cell cultures. Recent studies indicate an overall 4 - 6 % incidence of bacterial contaminations in 
commonly used cell cultures. Many cell cultures may lack visual signs of bacterial contamination, as assessed by light microscopy or by examination of the culture medium (e.g.tur 

bidity, pH indicator). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that standard antibiotics routinely included in cell culture media as a control measure are ineffective against resistant bacterial infections and dramatically alter cell growth, differentiation and metabolism.

Onar® Bacteria is a nucleic acid amplification test based on conventional PCR, for highly sensitive detection of bacterial contamination in various in situ biologicals including cell cultures and virus stocks.
The included Mix contains a primer sets targeting a highly conserved fragment of the 16S rRNA region of bacterial genomes. The expected PCR products 
have a size of approx. 467 bp (for Micrococcus luteus the band is expected at 447 bp), as visualized on an agarose gel. This allows for detection of very broad range of bacteria species usually encountered as airborne contaminants in cell cultures, whereas eukaryotic DNA is not amplified. Besides primers and nucleotides, the B

acteria Mix includes a hot-start Taq  polymerase and the Internal Control DNA, as an essential tool to monitor the PCR performance. A band at 140 bp on the agarose gel indicates a successful PCR reaction and rules out inhibitory effects of the sample matrix (e.g. culture medium) on the assay itself. The kit contains dUTP instead of dTTP, which can optionally be used in combination with uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) (optional: not included in the Onar® Bacteria Kit) to facilitate precursor amplicon degradation and therefore minimize the occurrence of false-positive results.

Recommended Use

Applicable in research and industry for direct testing of cell cultures and biologicals. For QA application, specific validation might be required. Intended for research use only. Not recommended for clinical diagnostics or testing of human samples.


Kit Components

Lyophilized Mix: Primers / Nucleotides / Internal Control DNA / Polymerase in aliquots of 25 reactions each.
Rehydration buffer
Lyophilized Positive Control DNA
PCR Grade Water

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Result Evaluation

Gel electrophoresis at endpoint of PCR

Required Consumables

PCR reaction tubes and filter tips

Required Lab Devices

PCR cycler
Agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA stain
Pipetting equipment

Shelf Life and Storage

Store the unopened components at 2 °C to 8 °C until the expiry date indicated on the label. Once rehydrated, the components must be stored at ≤ -18 °C.

Amplified PCR products are visualized by standard gel electrophoresis. Amplification of the Internal Control DNA (low molecular weight band) indicates a successful PCR and the lack of PCR-inhibiting components in the sample. A band in correspondence of the target (ca. 460 bp) implies the presence of a bacterial contamination.

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Protocols for: Onar®EUB-Eubacteria Detection Kits


(catalogue numbers 12-1025 / 12-1050 / 12-1050 / 12-1100 / 12-1250)

Please note: all protocols off site are the responsibility of the products supplier

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


Linow M., (2012). Mastermix 16S – Ultra Sensitive Detection of Microbial DNA.

Research in Molecular Diagnostics, No. 2/12.

Simonsen Ø. et al., (2015). Characterization of the extent of a large outbreak of Legionnaires' disease by serological assays. BMC Infectious Diseases, 15:163. doi: 10.1186/s12879-015-0903-2.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200

Applications & Benefits


For direct detection of bacterial contamination in cell cultures, cell culture media, cell
culture-derived biologicals and virus stocks.

  Detection of more than 45 bacteria genera at a sensitivity of 10 genome copies per sample volume.

Convenient freeze-dried PCR mix, including internal amplification control, primers,nucleotides and hot-start Taq polymerase.

Clear and easy protocol and results interpretation.

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Technical Help

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