Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Oligo Synthesis

Oligo Synthesis : Supports, CPGs

Prices quoted are for single packs only. For multiples of the same product please request a quote. Some of Glen's products are hazardous and may be subject to additional shipping charges. Full product information is available on Glen Research's website.

BBQ-650® CPG

BBQ-650® CPG

Glen Research

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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20-5934-01BBQ-650® CPG0.1g €310.80 Quantity Add to Order
20-5934-10BBQ-650® CPG1.0g €2,634.00 Quantity Add to Order
20-5934-13BBQ-650® CPGPack of 1 €818.40 Quantity Add to Order
20-5934-14BBQ-650® CPGPack of 1 €1,221.60 Quantity Add to Order
20-5934-41BBQ-650® CPGPack of 4 €370.80 Quantity Add to Order
20-5934-42BBQ-650® CPGPack of 4 €126.00 Quantity Add to Order


BBQ-650® CPG


Catalog Number: 20-5934-xx

Description: BBQ-650® CPG


F.W.: 667.63

Coupling: No changes needed from standard method recommended by synthesizer manufacturer.
Deprotection: Complete the deprotection using the protocol required by the nucleobases. Compatible with standard deprotection conditions in Ammonium Hydroxide and room temperature AMA (Ammonium hydroxide/40% Methylamine 1:1 v/v) for 2 hours.
Storage: Freezer storage, -10 to -30°C, dry. Light sensitive material.
Stability in Solution:
Please Note: BlackBerry® Quencher technology: US Patent 7,879,986. The purchase of BlackBerry® Quencher reagents includes a limited license to use these reagents exclusively for research and development purposes. They may not be used for clinical or diagnostic purposes and they may not be re-sold, distributed, or re-packaged without prior agreement and consent of Berry & Associates, Inc. Subsequent sale of products that are derived from BlackBerry® Quencher reagents is permitted so long as the following written disclaimer is included in written and electronic catalogs, in commercial advertisement, and in packages with containers of such derivative products: "BlackBerry is a trademark of Berry & Associates, Inc. Products derived from BlackBerry® Quencher reagents are sold exclusively for research and development use by the purchaser. They may not be used for clinical or diagnostic purposes without prior agreement and consent of Berry & Associates, Inc."

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


Material Safety Data Sheet

Glen Report 23.2: New Products - BlackBerry® Quencher (BBQ-650®)

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Applications & Benefits


QUESTION: What are the relative extinction coefficients of 5'-Fluorescein, Hex and Tet etc.. at 260 nm and their Lambda max?

RESPONSE:Please see

Oligonucleotide Properties Calculator;

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