Nobel winning science: 2017 Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology for circadian clocks research.
Are you a night owl? Or a morning lark? The answer may be in your genes…

This lab allows students to test their own genotypes at the circadian clock gene Per3 locus that has been associated with sleep behavior preferences in humans. The coding region of this gene contains a VNTR (variable number tandem repeat) that is polymorphic (variable) across individuals. Different variants of this VNTR in Per3 have been associated with a preference for evening or morning activity, that is whether you are a morning or evening type.
In this lab students will get to assess their own Per3 genotypes using PCR and gel electrophoresis, while also assessing their sleep phenotypes by answering a questionnaire about their circadian preferences.
You will participate in an authentic open inquiry
investigation on the genetic underpinnings of sleep, and have a chance
to contribute data to a citizen science database of sleep genotypes and phenotypes.
"We just ran the gels this morning and the results
were amazing! Every single one of my students had a good extraction and
PCR (I don’t think I have done a lab yet where 100% of human DNA is
extracted.) My students said it was their favorite lab they have done
all year! — Jill Ronstadt, Orange Lutheran High School, CA. "
This Learning Lab is aligned with National Standards and AP Biology
objectives. It utilizes
the following molecular genetic techniques and
- DNA extraction from cheek cells
- PCR amplification of human genomic DNA
- DNA gel electrophoresis analysis of VNTRs
- Statistical analysis of genetic data
The miniPCR Sleep Lab™ kit contains reagents for 8 lab groups of 4 students each (32 students):
- X-Tract™ DNA extraction buffer
- 5X EZ PCR Master Mix, Load-Ready™
- Sleep Lab Primer Mix
- 100 bp DNA ladder
Please note:
Free miniPCR Learning Lab™ downloads:
Optional: Lab Companion Kit
Add all the consumables you need
for a class of 32 students: microtubes (50), PCR tubes (100), agarose
(10 blueGel Tabs x 0.4 g ea.), 20X TBE electrophoresis buffer (30 ml),
and GelGreen™ DNA stain, 10,000X (20 µl).
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