Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Coronavirus kits

Coronavirus kits: SARS-CoV Kits

Kits for the isolation and detection of general SARS-CoV viruses and SARS-CoV-2

Flocked Nasopharyngeal Sampling Swabs (Peel Pouch)

Sterile Flocked Nasopharyngeal Sampling Swab with PP stick used for cell and virus specimen collection. The flocked swab is ideal for collecting large amount of cells and rapid elution of the specimens that instantly releases the cells into the transport medium.


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CA-1742-1KFlocked Nasopharyngeal Sampling Swab (Peel Pouch)1000 POA Quantity Add to Order


Sterile Flocked Nasopharyngeal Sampling Swab


Flocked Nasopharyngeal Sampling Swab with PP stick used for cell and virus specimen collection. The flocked swab is ideal for collecting large amount of cells and rapid elution of the specimens that instantly releases the cells into the transport medium. It utilizes state of the art “spray on technology” where the flocking process makes use of an electro-static charge which perpendicularly attaches millions of nylon microfibres on the medical grade handle tip. 

The perpendicular nylon fibres act like a soft brush, allowing the improved collection and release of both cellular and liquid samples.

Product Features

  • Ergonomic and anatomic design, perpendicular nylon fibre acts like a soft brush thus improves patient comfort and efficiency in cell specimen collection
  • Improved sample collection, sprayed-on fibres statically charged and attached to the applicator tip in a uniform perpendicular manner and by means of strong capillary action cell specimens are rapidly absorbed
  • Superior sample elution, with an open fiber structure it instantly dislodges the specimen cells into the liquid medium, unlike traditional wound swabs when the specimen is entrapped in the mattress core.
  • Increased assay sensitivity, flocked swabs are proven to elute >95% of the original sample rapidly thus easily resulting in improved assay sensitivity.
  • Quantitative volume transfer, measurable and consistent uptake and transfer from patient to the test tube has no internal mattress core to disperse and entrap the precious sample like traditional fiber wound swabs
  • Certified free of inhibitors and interference, collection swabs are certified DNase, RNase-free and human DNA-free. They are also free of any PCR inhibitors, certificate of analysis available for each lot of manufacture

Technical Specifications

Swab Dimensions:

Dimensions of flocked tip: (Width: 2.5mm; Thickness: 3.0mm; Length: 18 mm)

Dimensions of Pp stick: (Diameter 1: 2.5mm; Diameter 2: Taper to 1.0 mm; Breakpoint 78.0 mm; Total length 151 mm)



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