Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Sampling swabs

Sampling swabs: Nasopharyngeal swabs

Cambio nasopharyngeal  swabs are available in various pack sizes. For bulk purchases please contact us.

Paediatric Nasal Flocked Swabs (Peel Pouch)

Paediatric Anterior Nasal Sampling Swabs are designed specifically for collection of nasopharyngeal specimens from children. These swabs minimise discomfort that larger adult swabs may cause. These swabs have also been widely used for rapid antigen detection (e.g. for LFT).


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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CA-1745-1KAnterior nasal flocked swabsPack/1000 POA Quantity Add to Order


Paediatric Anterior Nasal Flocked swab

(For lateral flow tests / rapid antigen detection and PCR tests)

Paediatric Anterior Nasal Sampling Swabs are designed specifically for collection of nasopharyngeal specimens from children. The swabs minimise discomfort that larger adult swabs may cause. The swabs are designed and widely used for rapid antigen detection or lateral flow tests. They can also be used for PCR tests.

This swab utilises state of the art “spray on technology” during the flocking process by means of applying an electro-static charge to allow attachment of millions of nylon microfibres perpendicularly on the medical grade handle tip. The flocked swab is ideal for collecting large amount of cells and rapid elution of the specimens that instantly releases the cells into transport medium. The perpendicular nylon fibers act like a soft brush, allowing the improved collection and release of both cellular and liquid samples.


Product Features

Ergonomic and anatomic design: perpendicular nylon fibres act like a soft brush thus improving patient comfort and efficiency in cell specimen collection.

Improved sample collection: sprayed-on fibres are statically charged and attached to the applicator tip in a uniform perpendicular manner and by means of strong capillary action so that cell specimens are rapidly absorbed.

Superior sample elution: with an open fibre structure the swab instantly dislodges the specimen cells into the liquid medium, unlike traditional wound swabs where the specimen is entrapped in the mattress core.

Increased assay sensitivity: flocked swabs are proven to elute >95% of the original sample rapidly thus easily resulting in improved assay sensitivity.

Certified free of inhibitors and interference, collection swabs are certified DNASE, RNASE-free and human DNA-free. They are also free of any PCR inhibitors, certificate of analysis available for each lot of manufacture.


Product Specifications


Sterilization Process

EO Gas sterilization for MS-NFK001 and gamma ray sterilization for transport mediums / preparing kits

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