Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

In vitro Transcription

In vitro Transcription: mRNA Quality Control

Benchtop PAGE mRNA QC is the New LC/MS

Tired of wait times and costs associated with outsourcing your mRNA for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) 5’ capping efficiency and 3’ tail length analyses? Now you can easily perform precise quantitative mRNA 5’ capping efficiency and 3’ poly(A) tail length assessments using standard lab equipment with the EZ-QC™ mRNA Assay Kits.

Discover quantitative fluorescence-based benchtop polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) assays for accurate and cost-effective QC of mRNA 5’ capping and 3’ poly(A) tail length analysis in a single day. Accelerate your mRNA research with the EZ-QC™ Kits for a fraction of the cost of LC/MS.


  • Fast benchtop 5’ capping and 3’ tailing QC analyses
  • Low-input mRNA (picomoles, not micromoles!)
  • Uses common polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) equipment
  • Cost-effective – stretch your budget for more experiments


How Our EZ-QC™ mRNA Assays Work


EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit
Quantitates total capping efficiency (% capped vs uncapped RNA) of synthesized mRNA

How it works:


  • A chimeric RNA-DNA-RNA Targeting Oligonucleotide (user provided) hybridizes to the 5′ end of synthesized mRNA.
  • The hybridization complex undergoes RNase H cleavage, releasing capped and uncapped 5′-end fragments.
  • Released capped and uncapped 5′-end fragments are resolved using PAGE and quantitated by fluorescence-based gel band analysis.


EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit
Quantitates the percentage of Cap 1 vs Cap 0 caps of synthesized mRNA

How it works:

  • 5’ ends of a synthesized mRNA sample are labeled fluorescently with cyanine5 hydrazide (Cy5).
  • Hydrolysis of the Cy5-labeled mRNA mixture releases Cy5-labeled Cap 1 and Cap 0 caps.
  • Size resolution by PAGE and fluorescence-based gel imaging is used to determine percentage of Cap 1 vs
    Cap 0.



EZ-QC™ mRNA Poly(A) Tail Length Assay Kit
Quantitates poly(A) tail length of synthesized mRNA

How it works:

  • RNase A is used to digest the synthesized mRNA, leaving only intact Poly(A) tails.
  • Poly(A) tails are stained with fluorescent dyes (e.g., SYBR Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (Invitrogen) + provided poly(A) fluorescence enhancer).
  • Poly(A) tail lengths (from 20 to >300 A’s) are resolved using PAGE with our proprietary Poly(A) 20-mer Ladder and quantitated by fluorescence-based gel band analysis.


EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit

Quantitate the percentage of mRNA with Cap 1 vs Cap 0 5’-cap structures using standard polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
ONE240910EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit10 reactions POA Quantity Add to Order


EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit


  • Quantitate the percentage of mRNA with Cap 1 vs Cap 0 5’-cap structures using standard polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).
  • Easy, cost-effective benchtop method for QC as an alternative to mass spec analysis.


Product Description

The EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit quantitates the percentage of Cap 1 vs Cap 0 5’-cap structures in an mRNA production product. The 5’ RNA cap consists of an N7-methylated guanine nucleoside joined to the RNA via a 5’ to 5’ triphosphate linkage. This reaction is catalyzed by mRNA Capping Enzyme (e.g., ScriptCap™ Capping Enzyme) and produces a Cap 0 cap structure. Cap 0 caps can be converted into Cap 1 caps by the additional treatment of an mRNA 2’-O-Methyltransferase (e.g., ScriptCap™ 2’-O-Methyltransferase) which catalyzes the 2’-O-methylation of the ribose sugar of the first base of the RNA transcript. Most Cap 1 mRNAs are expressed at higher levels in cells, relative to their Cap 0 counterparts since the Cap 1 helps to identify the mRNA as "self" RNA in cells and thus not elicit an innate immune response against the mRNA.1,2

The EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit reaction labels the mRNA 5'-caps with Cyanine5 Hydrazide (Cy5®). The mRNA 5'-uncapped ends are not labeled. The labeled mRNA is then hydrolyzed with an RNase mixture releasing Cy5-labelled Cap 1 and Cap 0 cap cores which are resolved using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analyzed using a fluorescent gel imager to measure the relative amounts of Cap 1 to Cap 0 present in the sample. The assay simplifies analysis and replaces tedious and expensive capping efficiency determination methods such as HPLC and mass spectrometry.

For determination of total percent capped RNA content, CELLSCRIPT™ also offers theEZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit(distinguishes between total capped [Cap 0 Cap 1] and uncapped RNAs) and theEZ-QC™ mRNA Poly(A) Tail Length Assay Kits for complete mRNA characterization.


  1. Daffis, S. et al., (2010) Nature 468, 452.
  2. Devarkar, S.C. et al., (2016) PNAS 113, 596.


Product Performance

The EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit evaluates the efficiency of the methylation event catalyzed by 2’-O-Methyltransferase, which converts Cap 0 structures to Cap 1 structures. Labeled cap cores can be resolved on a polyacrylamide gel and quantified using fluorescent gel imaging software and the included 80/20 Cap 1 Control Mix (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Cap 0, Cap 1, and a mixture of Cap 0 and Cap 1 mRNA assessed using the EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit. Gel imaging software was used to quantitate the percentage of Cap 0 and Cap 1 mRNA in each lane.


Lane Percent Cap 1 Percent Cap 0
1 78.1 21.9
2 79.2 20.8
3 0 100
4 100 0
5 78.8 21.2

Materials Supplied

Important Upon receipt of the kit, remove the reagents and store at the indicated temperatures. Store at -20°C in a freezer without a defrost cycle. Do not store at –70°C.



EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit (10 reactions)
Sufficient for 10 experimental and 10 control reactions.
Kit Component Reagent Volume Storage Temperature
1 M Sodium Acetate 20 μl Ambient
4 mM Sodium Sulfite 20 μl Ambient
10 mM Sodium Periodate 40 μl 4°C
80/20 Cap 1 Control Mix
Contains a mix of 80% Cap 1 and 20% Cap 0 mRNAs
60 μl –20°C
5 mM Cy5 Hydrazide (in DMF) 20 μl –20°C
EZ-QC™ RNase T1
in 50% glycerol and 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4
20 μl –20°C
EZ-QC™ RNase I
in 50% glycerol, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl and 0.1 mM EDTA
24 μl –20°C
Cap 1 Stop/Loading Dye
95% formamide, 0.4 mM EDTA and 40 μg/ml Basic Fuchsin
350 μl –20°C
RNase-Free Water 875 μl –20°C

Materials Required, but not Supplied

  • Purified capped mRNA.
  • Materials for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
  • RNAClean XP beads (Beckman Coulter) for mRNA clean-up.
  • 70% ethanol
  • 0.2-ml polypropylene thermocycler-compatible tubes with caps or 96-well 0.1-ml PCR plate with microseal plastic films. Note: Cy5 hydrazide is provided in DMF, which is incompatible with polystyrene-based consumable materials.
  • Materials and equipment for polyacrylamide gel visualization, imaging and quantification capable of Cy5 emission detection.






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