Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Extraction & Purification - RNA

Extraction & Purification - RNA: Total RNA

Specialised kits for Total RNA purification for various sources.

MasterPure™ Complete DNA /RNA Purification Kit

The MasterPure Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit, MasterPure DNA Purification Kit, and MasterPure RNA Purification Kit use a novel, patent-pending technology that enables efficient purification of intact, high molecular weight DNA or RNA from a wide range of biological materials

BioSearch Tech (Lucigen/Epicentre)

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
MC85200MasterPure™ Complete DNA & RNA Purification Kit200 purifications €571.20 Quantity Add to Order
MC89010MasterPure™ Complete DNA & RNA Purification Kit10 purifications €117.81 Quantity Add to Order
MMP095HMPC Protein Precipitation Solution500ml €1,185.24 Quantity Add to Order
MPRK092Proteinase K2ml €228.48 Quantity Add to Order
MRC0912HRed Cell Lysis Solution1200 ml €192.78 Quantity Add to Order
MTC096HTissue & Cell Lysis Solution600 ml €380.80 Quantity Add to Order
MTE0970TE Buffer70ml €61.88 Quantity Add to Order


The MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit, MasterPure™ DNA Purification Kit, and MasterPure™ RNA Purification Kit use a novel, patent-pending technology that enables efficient purification of intact, high molecular weight DNA or RNA from a wide range of biological materials. Total nucleic acid (TNA), DNA, or RNA can be purified from bacteria, tissue culture cells, frozen or fresh mammalian tissue, paraffin-embedded tissue sections, mouse tail snips, and other biological materials. The protocol for TNA purification involves (1) an enzyme/salt/detergent-mediated cell lysis, (2) protein removal by precipitation, and (3) nucleic acid precipitation and resuspension. To isolate purified DNA, the sample is treated with RNase A; to isolate purified RNA, the sample is treated with RNase-Free DNase I. All manipulations are performed in standard microcentrifuge tubes. The recovered nucleic acids have an A260/280 ratio of 1.8-2.0, and can be used directly in PCR amplification (DNA and TNA) or RT-PCR (RNA). The standard MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit contains sufficient reagents for 200 DNA purifications or 100 DNA and 100 RNA purifications.

TargetsSamples Extracted
Human & Mammalian Serum
RNA & Genomic DNA Plasma
HIV Whole blood
E. coli Guthrie cards
HCV Buccal cells
B. pertussis Liver
RSV Mouse tail
Yeast Kidney
M. tuberculosis Saliva
Enterovirus Urine
HPV Sputum
Soy (tofu) Tissue culture cell lines
Maize Cervical cells
Insect tissues Paraffin-embedded tissues
Streptococcus mutans  



Table 1. Examples of targets and samples analyzed using MasterPure™ DNA and RNA Purification Kits. Using an extremely simple salt precipitation protocol, TNA, DNA, or RNA can be isolated from virtually any source in less than 1 hour.


Figure 1 DNA, RNA, and total nucleic acid (TNA) purified from diverse<br />		cell sources using the MasterPure Complete Kit



Figure 1. DNA, RNA, and total nucleic acid (TNA) purified from diverse cell sources using the MasterPure™ Complete Kit. M = kb ladder.


Figure 2 Basic MasterPure Complete Kit extraction protocol

Figure 2. Basic MasterPure™ Complete Kit extraction protocol.


SampleSample SizeTNA µgDNAµgRNA µg
HeLa/HL60 cells 1 X 106 cells 10-30 3-12 7-15
Liver >5 mg 33-42 5-10 13-25
Brain 5 mg 9-13 6-9 4-11
Heart 5 mg 6-10 4-7 4-5
Kidney 5 mg 10-17 3-8 14-17
Thymus 5 mg 15-30 6-12 9-18
Blood 200 µl 3-10 3-9 0.1-0.2
Buffy coat 300 µl 40-55 40-55 3-6
Mouse tail 0.5 cm 25-30 9-11  
E. coli 3.5 x 106 cells 2.5-2.8 1.3-1.6 1.6-1.8
S. mutans 1.5 ml 0.9    
*Yeast 2.2 x 106 cells     11-18
(S. cerevisiae) 1.1 x 107 cells     >70-78



Table 2. Example of yields of nucleic acids obtained using MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kits.
*For extraction of yeast DNA, the MasterPure Yeast DNA Purification Kit is recommended.


Figure 3 Consistent purification of DNA, total nucleic acid, and RNA

Figure 3. Consistent purification of DNA, total nucleic acid, and RNA. Five different genomic DNA (Lanes 1-5), total nucleic acid (Lanes 6-10), and total cellular RNA (Lanes 11-15) samples were isolated from frozen bovine liver with the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit. M = kb ladder.


Figure 4 Comparison of PCR sensitivity using templates obtained using the MasterPure Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit versus a spin column kit

Figure 4. Comparison of PCR sensitivity using templates obtained using the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit versus a spin column kit. PCR amplification was performed after extraction from the indicated number of E. coli cells.

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  • A260/A280 ratios consistently between 1.8 and 2.0.
  • Recover >90% of theoretical DNA yield.
  • No phenol, chloroform, or other caustic solvents.
  • Each kit component is also available separately in a 10X package size.
  • Low- and high-molecular-weight nucleic acids are recovered.

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