Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Oligo Synthesis

Oligo Synthesis : CEPs

Prices quoted are for single packs only. For multiples of the same product please request a quote. Some of Glen's products are hazardous and may be subject to additional shipping charges. Full product information is available on Glen Research's website.



Glen Research

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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10-1038-02Biotin-dT 0.25g €670.24 Quantity Add to Order
10-1038-90Biotin-dT 100µmoles €348.10 Quantity Add to Order
10-1038-95Biotin-dT 50µmoles €179.36 Quantity Add to Order




Catalog Number: 10-1038-xx

Description: Biotin-dT

Formula: C69H89N8O12PS M.W.: 1285.55 F.W.: 684.70

Diluent: Anhydrous Acetonitrile
Coupling: 15 minute coupling recommended
Deprotection: No changes needed from standard method recommended by synthesizer manufacturer.
Storage: Refrigerated storage, maximum of 2-8°C, dry
Stability in Solution: 3-5 days

Biotin-dT can replace dT residues within the oligonucleotide sequence. 5’-Biotin phosphoramidite can be added ONLY ONCE to the 5’-terminus of an oligonucleotide. However, the DMT group on the biotin can be used in RP cartridge and HPLC purification techniques. PC Biotin is a photocleavable 5’-biotin phosphoramidite. BiotinTEG CPG and Protected BiotinLC Serinol CPG are designed for the direct synthesis of oligonucleotides containing biotin at the 3’ terminus.

Desthiobiotin is a biotin analogue that exhibits lower binding to biotin-binding proteins such as streptavidin. This biotin analogue is lacking the sulfur group from the molecule and has a dissociation constant (Kd) several orders of magnitude less than biotin/streptavidin. As a result, biomolecules containing desthiobiotin are dissociated from streptavidin simply in the presence of buffered solutions of biotin. We offer desthiobiotinTEG phosphoramidite and the corresponding CPG.

ABI-style vials and columns are supplied unless otherwise requested.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


Material Safety Data Sheet


If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


Frequently Asked Technical Question

1. If Biotin-dT is inserted at the 5'-terminus, will it affect the function of kinase?
2. Does Biotin-dT affect hybridization?

RESPONSE:1. Biotin dT will not affect the ability of kinase to phosphorylate at the 5'-terminus.

2. The presence of Biotin-dT within an oligonucleotide does not affect hybridization relative to the same oligo containing dT(1). The biotin resides in the major groove of the formed double-stranded DNA and is readily available for binding to avidin or streptavidin.

(1) J. Telser, K.A. Cruickshank, L.E. Morrison, and T.L. Netzel, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1989, 111, 6966-6976.

QUESTION: What absorbance does biotin have at 260nm? The HPLC trace shows absorbance at 254nm?

RESPONSE:Biotin is transparent at 260nm. The UV detector in the HPLC trace of biotin phosphoramidites is monitoring the absorption of the DMT group on the spacer arm.

QUESTION: Do you have a biotin phosphoramidite containing a disulfide linker which can be cleaved later with DTT to release the DNA from a streptavidin support?

RESPONSE:No. However, this can be produced on the synthesizer by adding to the 5'- terminus first 5'-thiol-modifier C6 S-S (10-1936) followed by BioTEG phosphoramidite (10-1955). This should generate a biotinylated primer with a long spacer arm containing the disulfide linkage which can be cleaved later with DTT.

QUESTION: How can I tell if the biotinylated oligonucleotide I have made really does contain biotin?

RESPONSE:A colorimetric assay for biotin can be quite effective. The color results from the reaction of biotin with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde in the presence of sulfuric acid.

1. Spot 0.2 A260 units of biotinylated oligonucleotide on a silica gel TLC plate.

2. Dry the plate.]

3. Spray with a solution of 2% p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (Sigma), 2% conc. sulfuric acid in ethanol.

4. Heat the plate and the presence of biotin will be indicated by the formation of a pink spot.

Since the intensity of the biotin spot is quite low, it is prudent to compare with an unlabelled oligonucleotide similarly treated.

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Applications & Benefits


The table below shows pack size data and, for solutions, dilutions and approximate couplings based on normal priming procedures. Please link for more detailed usage information with the various synthesizers.

ABI 392/394
Cat.No. Pack
0.1M Dil.
LV40 LV200 40nm 0.2µm 1µm 10µm
Approximate Number of Additions
10-1038-02 0.25grams .25grams 1.94 51.33 30.8 19.25 14 10.27 2.57
10-1038-90 100µmoles .129grams 1 20 12 7.5 5.45 4 1
10-1038-95 50µmoles .064grams .5 3.33 2 1.25 .91 .67 .17
Cat.No. Pack
Molarity 50nm 0.2µm 1µm 15µm
Approximate Number of Additions
10-1038-02 0.25grams .25grams 2.9 .07 51.6 32.25 23.45 3.23
10-1038-90 100µmoles .129grams 1.5 .07 23.6 14.75 10.73 1.48
10-1038-95 50µmoles .064grams .75 .07 8.6 5.38 3.91 .54
Cat.No. Pack
Molarity 30nm 200nm 1000nm

Approximate Number of Additions
10-1038-02 0.25grams .25grams 2.9 .07 53.2 33.25 24.18

10-1038-90 100µmoles .129grams 1.5 .07 25.2 15.75 11.45

10-1038-95 50µmoles .064grams .75 .07 10.2 6.38 4.64

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200

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If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200