Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

In Vitro Toxicology

In Vitro Toxicology: Mutagenicity kits

The Ames II / Ames MPF Microfluctuation Assays are all modifications of the traditional Ames plate incorporation assay.

The Ames II assay uses the S. typhimurium strains TA98 and TAMix (a mixture of 6 strains, each detecting a specific base-pair substitution), whereas the Ames MPF® kits are available with the strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, E.coli WP2 uvrA or E.coli WP2 pKM101.


Benefits of Xenometrix Ames Mutagenicity Assays over traditional Ames Procedures

  • Easy, compact and high throughput liquid format with 384 well plates.

  • Simple detection method with easy "readout" (as compared to the traditional assay)

  • Kits include all five types strains cited in OECD 471 (CoA supplied), quality controlled according to the same guideline 

  • Much less  test compound required.  (10 mg per strain if tested in triplicates, +/- S9, 6 semi-logarithmic compound dilutions)

  • Ames MPF is the preferred system for genotoxic impurities due to its low consumption of compound

  • Significantly less consumption of S9

  • Less environmental pollution due to significantly less "contaminated" waste

  • Less user intervention

  • Download presentation 

umuC Easy AQ and CS Test Kits

The umuC assay is based on the SOS response in S. typhimurium TA1535 pSK1002. The SOS response is induced as a consequence to DNA damage or disruption of DNA replication

For convenience, positive controls and Lyophilized rat liver S9 are included in the kit. However the end user needs to specify. please see description for details.

Xenometrix AG

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
PPC-AA012-Aminoanthracene - Positive Control for S9 1 vial £0.00 Quantity Add to Order
XG06-118-PumuC Easy CS- 6 sample kit -192 measuring Points6 sample kit £888.00 Quantity Add to Order
XPRS-AC01lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced 1 ml £85.00 Quantity Add to Order


The umuC assay is based on the SOS response in S. typhimurium TA1535 pSK1002. The SOS response is induced as a consequence to DNA damage or disruption of DNA replication. The reporter fusion gene umuC-lacZ on the plasmid pSK1002 is expressed as a consequence of mutational events induced by chemicals or UV radiation. This test is rapid and responds to chemicals with various mutational mechanisms, including cross linking events. The Xenometrix umuC Easy assays are based on the ISO 13829 international standard protocol using the same media and reagents. We have, however, modified the procedure for easier handling and provide an Excel calculation template for all necessary calculations. Xenometrix offers 2 versions of the kit: umuC Easy AQ for testing of aqueous samples, and umuC Easy CS for testing of concentrated samples like chemicals or extracts. Both umuC Easy kits have sufficient bacteria and reagents to perform 2 x 96 determinations. This allows to test 2 x 3 samples according to ISO 13829 in 4 dilutions, triplicate values, positive and negative controls, with and without S9 metabolic activation.


6 sample kit - 192 measuring points

2 vials SemiSolid TA1535psK1002

4 vials Ampicillin

Media and Reagents

To complete your kit  with positive controls, lyophilized rat liver S9, Aroclor 1254 induced Please add:                                              

1 vial Lyophilized Rat Liver S9,  Aroclor induced 1.0 ml  XPRS-AC01        (£0.00)
1 vial 2-Aminoanthracene - Positive Control for S9    XPPC-AA01        (£0.00)
1 vial 4-Nitroquinoline-N-Oxide - Positive Control for TA1535psK1002  XPPC-NQ02        (£0.00)  

All media and strains provided with the kit  are sufficient to analyze at least 6 samples in triplicates at 4 concentrations /- S9, plus neg. and pos. controls

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200