Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Chromosome Painting

Chromosome Painting: Human

Star*FISH© Human Chromosome-Y Heterochromatic Probes
Ready-to-Use Format

Cambio's Whole chromosome- specific, pan-centromeric, centromic, Pan-telomeric, telomeric, arm and band specific paints


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
1125-YBChromosome Y (Heterochromatic) ProbeBiotin 10 tests £336.00 Quantity Add to Order
1125-YFChromosome Y (Heterochromatic) ProbeFITC 10 tests £383.00 Quantity Add to Order


Chromosome Y Heterochromatic Region Probe


To supplement Cambio's Chromosome Y Euchromatic probe and the whole chromosome Y paints, which do not paint heterochromatin, Cambio also provides a Yqh-specific probe. Available with biotin, or FITC labelling, it can be used in conjunction with other Star*FISH© paints and probes, and other Star*FISH© detection kits and reagents.

Please note: Human Chromosome Y Euchromatic paints are no longer available (Dec '06)


Protocol Listings

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


The FISH protocol is divided into two stages. Denaturation and Hybridisation
are performed on day one. Washing and Detection are performed on day two.

The metaphase spreads are normally prepared a day in advance. On day one, the DNA of the chromosomes and paints is denatured and the Hybridisation process (reannealing) takes place overnight.


On day two the slides are washed to remove unbound DNA sequences followed by detection, counterstaining and mounting.


Day One - Denaturation & Hybridisation


/library/images/html_images/2019 protocols/Formatted Protocol G2.pdf


Day Two - Detection


Biotin Labelled Paints:


Biotin Labelled Chromosome detected with Texas Red (1082-KT-50)



FITC Labelled Paints:

FITC Amplification (1084-KF-50)


Download SDS here

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


Detection will be required for Biotin Labelled paints


FITC Labelled paints may require amplification depending on user experience and samples.


Please note: Probes,detection kits and amplification kits are sold separately

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200