Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Extraction & Purification - DNA

Extraction & Purification - DNA: Total DNA

Fast and easy methods for the micro scale purification of total (genomic and mitochondrial) DNA from various biological samples.

Proteinase K

Proteinase K is a proteolytic enzyme. The enzyme uses Ca2+ ions for structural stability. Due to the high total activity of the enzyme, lysis can be carried out in the presence of EDTA. Proteinase K is therefore excellently useful for the extraction of nucleic acids from various biological samples.

Minerva Biolabs

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
56-0002Proteinase K50 extractions £27.00 Quantity Add to Order


Recommended Use / Scope

Minerva Biolabs DNA Extraction Kits are used for the extraction of DNA from ordinary samples, like cell culture supernatants containing up to 106 cells, with high efficiency. Anyhow, other samples matrices may contain protein with a concentration above 10 mg/ml, like cell pellets, serum, or fermentation products. These samples may require an additional Proteinase K treatment to increase the overall DNA yield for highest sensitivity.

In combination with Minerva Biolabs´ DNA Extraction kits 10 µl of the Proteinase K solution is used for each sample after mixing the sample with Conditioner (MB DNA Extraction Kit) or Buffer A (Microsart AMP Extraction).

Quality Control

All lots of this product are routinely checked by the extraction of 10 CFU/ml of mycoplasma from a defined complex sample matrix in comparison to an untreated sample. The extracts were used as template for mycoplasma PCR with the Intego® Mycoplasma Kit for qPCR using a protocol for 10 µl sample volume.

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The freeze-dried product shall be stored at 2 to 8 °C. The rehydrated stock solution must be stored at < -18 °C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Preparation of aliquots might be required if more than 5 freezing/thawing cycles are required.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200