Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Extraction & Purification - DNA

Extraction & Purification - DNA: Plasmid

Mini, midi and maxi preps including rapid plasmid prep kits.

ExtractNow™ Plasmid Mini Kit

ExtractNow™ Plasmid Mini Kit for purifying nucleic acids from a variety of samples. Find the optimized kit for your research needs.

Minerva Biolabs

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
605-1010ExtractNow™ Plasmid Mini Kit10 extractions £17.00 Quantity Add to Order
605-1050ExtractNow™ Plasmid Mini Kit50 extractions £81.00 Quantity Add to Order



Type of Sample

• Bacterial suspensions • Isolation of high-copy plasmids: 0.5 – 5 ml • Isolation of low-copy plasmid DNA, P1 constructions, etc.: > 5 - 10 ml

Separation principle

Spin Filter columns


Easy and quick plasmid isolation from bacterial lysis.

Recommended Use

The ExtractNow™ Plasmid Mini Kit is for research use only. Not recommended for clinical applications.

Shelf Life and Storage

Components are maintainable at room temperature for at least 6 months.


• Time of Extraction: Approx. 16 minutes • Binding capacity: Column binding capacity: approx. 40 μg pDNA • Average yield: Typical yield from 2 ml starting material (highcopy plasmid): 6 - 20 μg • Average purity: 1.8 - 2.0

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