DNA contaminations are notoriously difficult to
remove and can easily result from aerosols formation (e.g. during
pipetting or centrifugation) and spread to adjacent laboratory areas and
rooms through floors (by shoes, clothing, dispersed dust). Highly
sensitive molecular biology techniques (PCR, qPCR, sequencing) can
amplify and detect down to a single DNA molecule. Therefore, minimizing
the “DNA-load” in the molecular biology labs is a necessary measure to
prevent cross-contaminations or PCR artifacts.
LabClean™ is a
concentrated DNA decontamination solution for routine laboratory
cleaning, which eliminates DNA from large areas like floors and tiles.
Its mode of action is based on a non-carcinogenic DNA-degrading
Recommended Use
Applicable in research and industry only. Not recommended for clinical applications.
Easy applicable 200x aqueous solution.
Package Sizes
- Cat. No. 15-4100 1 l bottle
Required Consumables and Lab Devices
Standard cleaning tools
Shelf Life and Storage
Stored at room temperature. Stable for at least 12 months.
If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200