- Simple transfection protocol (no optimization necessary)
- DNA and siRNA transfection
- Immediate live observation possible
- Ideal optical properties for transmitted light and fluorescence microscopy
- Cells can be fixed and dyed
- Compatible with oil immersion
The μ-Transfection Kit VI is a unique combination of two elements
tailored to each other in a highperformance kit permitting
high-resolution microscopy of living transfected cells. The joint kit
comprises μ-Slides VI from ibidi and the reagent METAFECTENE® μ,
developed by Biontex especially for this purpose.
The kit enables
cell transfection to be performed with both DNA and siRNA. The
optimization procedure usually necessary in plasmid transfection is
eliminated, while in siRNA transfection optimum knockdown is achieved
with only three differing lipoplex volumes.

The ultra-simple protocol provides for treatment of a cell suspension
with lipoplexes and transfer directly onto the μ-Slides. The resulting
effects can be subsequently observed in the living cells in outstanding
optical quality (live cell imaging). Examples of applications are
tracking the expression and path of a fluorescence-tagged protein
through the cell or monitoring the effect of knockdown of a gene.

High-resolution images of transfection of HepG2 cells with pCMV-GFP using μ-Transfection Kit VI (60× oil-immersion objective)

High-resolution images of transfection of HeLa cells with pCMV-GFP using μ-Transfection Kit VI (20× objective)
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