Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

qPCR and qRT-PCR

qPCR and qRT-PCR: qPCR Master Mixes

qPCR based reference gene panels for Humans, mouse and rat ( SYBR and FAM based)

TATAA Multiplex GrandMaster Mixes

TATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster® Kit

Rapid quantification of rare target sequences in dilute samples
TATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster® Kit is a 4X concentrated fastmix which allows analysis of larger volumes of sample. This results in an ability to quantify rare target sequences in dilute samples.

Tataa Biocenter

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
TA04-100TATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster Kit100 rxn £125.00 Quantity Add to Order
TA04-100LRTATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster Kit Low-ROX™ 100 rxn £103.00 Quantity Add to Order
TA04-100RTATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster Kit ROX™ 100 rxn £125.00 Quantity Add to Order
TA04-500TATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster Kit500 rxn £847.00 Quantity Add to Order
TA04-500RTATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster Kit ROX™ 500 rxn £847.00 Quantity Add to Order


Rapid quantification of rare target sequences in dilute samples


TATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster® Kit is a 4X concentrated fastmix which allows analysis of larger volumes of sample. This results in an ability to quantify rare target sequences in dilute samples.

ATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster® Kit has been developed for fast and highly sensitive qRT-PCR of a wide range of RNA targets. It is optimized for use with conventional 5’ hydrolysis probes and allows for unbiased amplification of low copy transcripts in the presence of high copy reference genes.


  • TATAA One-Step Reverse Transcriptase (20x)
  • TATAA One-Step Fast GrandMaster® Mix (4x): 4x reaction buffer containing optimised concentrations of MgCl2, dNTPs, Taq DNApolymerase and stabilisers
  • Nuclease-free water


The TATAA SYBR® GrandMaster® Mix can be ordered without ROX, with low ROX or with ROX, depending on the instrument used for the analysis.

The number of reactions is based on 20μl qPCR-reactions.

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


TATAA One-step Fast Grandmaster kit

TATAA One-step Fast Grandmaster kit Low Rox

TATAA One-Step Fast Grandmaster kit ROX


If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200