Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

qPCR and qRT-PCR

qPCR and qRT-PCR: Gene Assays and Gene Panels

Rat Single Assays

Rat sIngle assays for various common genes available in SYBR and Probe

Tataa Biocenter

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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qA-03-0125P5GAPDH (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0125S5GAPDH (Rat Single Assay)500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0126P5TUBB5 (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0126S5TUBB5 (Rat Single Assay)500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0127P5PPIA (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0127S5PPIA (Rat Single Assay)500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0128P5ACTB (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0128S5ACTB (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0129P5YWHAZ (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0129S5YWHAZ (Rat Single Assay)500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0130P5RRN18S (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0130S5RRN18S (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0131P5B2M (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0131S5B2M (Rat Single Assay)500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0132P5PGK1 (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0132S5PGK1 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0133P5TBP (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0133S5TBP (Rat Single Assay)500 rxns €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0134P5ARBP (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0134S5ARBP (Rat Single Assay)500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0135P5GUSB (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0135P5GUSB (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0136P5HPRT1 (Rat Single Assay) Probe FAM 500 rxn €430.70 Quantity Add to Order
qA-03-0136S5HPRT1 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn 500 rxn €350.46 Quantity Add to Order


The available rat assays are:

  • GAPDH (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • GAPDH (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • TUBB5 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • TUBB5 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • PPIA (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • PPIA (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • ACTB (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • ACTB (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • YWHAZ (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • YWHAZ (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • RRN18S (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • RRN18S (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • B2M (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • B2M (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • PGK1 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • PGK1 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • TBP (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • TBP (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • ARBP (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • ARBP (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • GUSB (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • GUSB (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM
  • HPRT1 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn
  • HPRT1 (Rat Single Assay) 500 rxn Probe FAM

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200


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If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200