Accurate and easy quantification of your NGS libraries.
Accurate quantification before pooling and loading of NGS libraries to a sequencer is a crucial step
in sequencing. Uneven pooling often results in loss of sequencing data for some libraries, and over-
loading or underloading of flow cells may greatly compromise clustering and thus the sequencing
Fluorometric, spectrophotometric and electrophoretic methods may overestimate library concentration especially for PCR-free libraries, because these methods also measure adapter dimers and
library molecules with only partial adapters (Figure 1).
On the other hand, libraries where parts of the library molecules are single stranded will not be measured correctly, even though these libraries are sequenceable (Figure 2)

This kit is based on absolute quantification of your NGS libraries using Illumina adaptor primers and
qPCR. The amplifiable fraction of the library will get amplified, and the quantity will be estimated
using a standard curve.
The TATAA NGS Library Quantification Kit contains six library standards of known concentrations, NGS library amplification primers, and TATAA SYBR GrandMaster Mix.
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