Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Coronavirus kits

Coronavirus kits: SARS-CoV Kits

Kits for the isolation and detection of general SARS-CoV viruses and SARS-CoV-2

ExtractNow™ Virus RNA Swab Kit

Kits for purifying nucleic acids from swabs (including nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs). Isolation of viral RNA from swabs (including nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs). Extraction method based on the use of spin filters. Optimum removal of inhibitors ensures trouble-free use of nucleic acids in subsequent applications.

Minerva Biolabs

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
611-2250ExtractNow™ Virus RNA Swab Kit250 extractions £695.00 Quantity Add to Order



 The ExtractNow™ Virus RNA Swab kit is developed for the isolation of viral RNA from swab specimens, especially tracheal swabs. Both direct isolation from swabs and extraction from swabs in physiological solution can be performed, following two optimized protocols. The purified RNA is free of contaminants and suitable for many downstream applications such as RT-PCR and RT-qPCR.

Principle of the method

 The method is simple and consists of four general steps: (1) cell lysis, (2) selective binding of nucleic acids to spin columns, (3) removal of residual contaminants and inhibitors, and (4) elution of purified nucleic acids. The procedure does not require phenol/chloroform extraction and needs minimal hands-on time.

 Contents of the kit

 Each kit contains reagents for 250 extractions. The expiry date of the unopened package is marked on the package label. Store the lyophilized Proteinase K at 2 - 8 °C. Store the lyophilized Carrier Reagent at ≤ –18 °C and all other components at room temperature (18 to 25 °C). Before every use, ensure that all components are at room temperature. Dissolve any precipitates in the solutions by moderate warming.

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If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200