TATAA GrandScript cDNA Synthesis Kit
The TATAA GrandScript cDNA Synthesis Kit is a
sensitive and easy to use solution for cDNA synthesis. TATAA GrandScript
cDNA Synthesis Kit provides all the necessary components for cDNA
synthesis except RNA template. The optimized mix of random
and oligo(dT) primers provide a robust consistent and unbiased first
strand synthesis over a broad range of RNA template concentrations.
TATAA GrandScript cDNA Synthesis enzyme mix supplied with the kit is a mixture of engineered MMLV
RT and ribonuclease inhibitor protein. The resulting cDNA product is
directly compatible with real-time PCR methods.
- High sensitivity - optimized for two-step quantitative RT-PCR
- Broad dynamic range
- Unbiased cDNA synthesis - complete 5’ to 3’ RNA sequence representation
- Easy reaction assembly
Kit Contents
- TATAA GrandScript cDNA Synthesis Mix: 5x concentrated solution of
optimized buffer, magnesium, oligo(dT), random primers and dNTPs
- TATAA GrandScript RT enzyme
- Nuclease- free water