sbeadex™ PCR clean-up kit
sbeadex™ kits use magnetic separation for the purification of nucleic acids. Superparamagnetic particles coated with sbeadex surface chemistry are used to capture nucleic acids under defined buffer conditions. The three simple steps of the sbeadex protocol means that more time can be spent on downstream processes. Furthermore, magnetic microparticles are ideally suited for high throughput laboratories which utilise automated liquid handling systems or multi-pipetting units (8, 12 or 96 channel pipettes).

Applications of the kit:
sbeadex™ PCR clean-up kits are used to purify PCR products. Components of the PCR reaction such that primers, unincorporated nucleotides, enzymes and other contaminations are efficiently removed during the purification process due to the chemical specificity andphysical size of sbeadex™ particles. The method was developed and optimised using 20 μL of PCR product from standard PCR mixtures which were subsequently analysed by Sanger sequencing. The protocol can be scaled up or down for other volumes of PCR product, however care should be taken to maintain the buffer volume ratios specified in the protocol.
For protocol, details of kit contents, storage temperatures and additional items required please click here.
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