Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Extraction & Purification - DNA

Extraction & Purification - DNA: Total DNA

Fast and easy methods for the micro scale purification of total (genomic and mitochondrial) DNA from various biological samples.

Lysis buffer BL

Ready-to-use lysis buffer to be used with our magnetic bead based nucleic acid purification kits (e.g. mag™ mini & mag™ forensic & mag™ nanogram).

BioSearch Technologies (LGC)

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
NAP10-002-00Lysis buffer BL 30 ml POA Quantity Add to Order
NAP10-002-01Lysis buffer BL 100 ml POA Quantity Add to Order
NAP10-002-02Lysis buffer BL 250 ml POA Quantity Add to Order
NAP10-002-03Lysis buffer BL 500 ml POA Quantity Add to Order
NAP10-002-04Lysis buffer BL 1000 ml POA Quantity Add to Order
NAP10-002-05Lysis buffer BL 3000 ml POA Quantity Add to Order



Ready-to-use lysis buffer to be used with our magnetic bead based nucleic acid purification kits (e.g. mag mini & mag forensic & mag nanogram).



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