Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology


PCR : qPCR master mixes

  • qPCR based reference gene panels for Humans, mouse and rat ( SYBR and FAM based)
  • TATAA Multiplex GrandMaster Mixes




ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix

ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix is a lyophilized, ready-to-use PCR master mix, which consists of all core components required for PCR amplification, pre-mixed and optimized for efficient and reproducible PCR. The rehydrated ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix then contains optimal concentrations of all necessary reaction components (e.g. buffer, dNTPs, MgCl 2, and DNA polymerase) and only needs to be aliquoted into PCR tubes and mixed with user-specific primers (and probes, for qPCR) and samples, prior to PCR.

Minerva Biolabs

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
191-0025ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix25 Reactions £40.00 Quantity Add to Order
191-0100ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix100 Reactions £91.00 Quantity Add to Order
191-0250ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix250 Reactions £204.00 Quantity Add to Order


ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix


ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix is a lyophilized, ready-to-use PCR master mix, which consists of all core components required for PCR amplification, pre-mixed and optimized for efficient and reproducible PCR. The rehydrated ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix then contains optimal concentrations of all necessary reaction components (e.g. buffer, dNTPs, MgCl 2, and DNA polymerase) and only needs to be aliquoted into PCR tubes and mixed with user-specific primers (and probes, for qPCR) and samples, prior to PCR.


  • Flexible

    ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix is a universal master mix, which can easily be used in endpoint PCR or qPCR protocols, with most programs and cycler types. ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix can be successfully applied to all regular PCR applications including PCR assays with complex genomic or cDNA templates, low copy number targets, high specificity PCR, T/A cloning, and multiplex PCR. Suitable samples may be extracts from diverse starting materials (cell culture supernatants, bacterial colonies, and mammalian cells and tissues) or, depending on the matrix, even crude extracts can be used (direct testing).

  • Fast and Easy

    PCR components are pre-mixed. Using ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix requires only few pipetting steps prior to PCR, thereby decreases hands-on time and the margin of error to a minimum. The reduced number of pipetting steps also reduces the risk of cross-contaminations.

  • For Specific PCR & Convenient Setup

    The Taq polymerase included in ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix has an antibody-based hot start functionality: its activity is blocked at temperatures lower than 70 °C through anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibodies. This suppresses the formation of nonspecific PCR products and primer-dimers, resulting in higher specificity, increased sensitivity, and greater yields. This feature also allows the preparation of the reaction mix at room temperature.

  • Unique Stability & Excellent Performance

    While the lyophilized form of ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix shows enhanced thermostability for easy logistics and storage, also the rehydrated mix remains stable at a broad temperature range and even after several freeze/thaw cycles. Once resuspended, the master mix contains optimal concentrations of MgCl2, deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates, and stabilizers for excellent PCR or qPCR performance.

Recommended Use

Intended for research use only. Not recommended for clinical diagnostics. The optimal volumes, concentrations, temperatures, and incubation times can vary greatly for your specific application and should be adapted to the requirements of your specific assay.
Notice! Not applicable for the ABI 7500/7500 Fast in combination with the AccuSEQ software!


ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix containing hot start Taq polymerase and dNTPs (25 reactions / vial)

Rehydration Buffer

MgCl2 (100 mM)

Package Sizes

  • Cat. No. 191-002525 reactions
  • Cat. No. 191-0100 100 reactions
  • Cat. No. 191-0250 250 reactions

Required Consumables

Microcentrifuge vials (1.5 ml), filter tips, PCR reaction tubes, user-specific primers and probes

Required Lab Devices

Microcentrifuge, heat block, pipettes, PCR thermocycler


Shelf Life and Storage

Lyophilized ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix and Rehydration Buffer should be stored at 2 – 8 °C. After rehydration, ConviFlex™ DNAmp Mix should be stored at ≤ -18 °C and is stable even after several freeze/thaw cycles.

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