Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

In vitro Transcription

In vitro Transcription: mRNA Quality Control

Benchtop PAGE mRNA QC is the New LC/MS

Tired of wait times and costs associated with outsourcing your mRNA for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) 5’ capping efficiency and 3’ tail length analyses? Now you can easily perform precise quantitative mRNA 5’ capping efficiency and 3’ poly(A) tail length assessments using standard lab equipment with the EZ-QC™ mRNA Assay Kits.

Discover quantitative fluorescence-based benchtop polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) assays for accurate and cost-effective QC of mRNA 5’ capping and 3’ poly(A) tail length analysis in a single day. Accelerate your mRNA research with the EZ-QC™ Kits for a fraction of the cost of LC/MS.


  • Fast benchtop 5’ capping and 3’ tailing QC analyses
  • Low-input mRNA (picomoles, not micromoles!)
  • Uses common polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) equipment
  • Cost-effective – stretch your budget for more experiments


How Our EZ-QC™ mRNA Assays Work


EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit
Quantitates total capping efficiency (% capped vs uncapped RNA) of synthesized mRNA

How it works:


  • A chimeric RNA-DNA-RNA Targeting Oligonucleotide (user provided) hybridizes to the 5′ end of synthesized mRNA.
  • The hybridization complex undergoes RNase H cleavage, releasing capped and uncapped 5′-end fragments.
  • Released capped and uncapped 5′-end fragments are resolved using PAGE and quantitated by fluorescence-based gel band analysis.


EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit
Quantitates the percentage of Cap 1 vs Cap 0 caps of synthesized mRNA

How it works:

  • 5’ ends of a synthesized mRNA sample are labeled fluorescently with cyanine5 hydrazide (Cy5).
  • Hydrolysis of the Cy5-labeled mRNA mixture releases Cy5-labeled Cap 1 and Cap 0 caps.
  • Size resolution by PAGE and fluorescence-based gel imaging is used to determine percentage of Cap 1 vs
    Cap 0.



EZ-QC™ mRNA Poly(A) Tail Length Assay Kit
Quantitates poly(A) tail length of synthesized mRNA

How it works:

  • RNase A is used to digest the synthesized mRNA, leaving only intact Poly(A) tails.
  • Poly(A) tails are stained with fluorescent dyes (e.g., SYBR Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (Invitrogen) + provided poly(A) fluorescence enhancer).
  • Poly(A) tail lengths (from 20 to >300 A’s) are resolved using PAGE with our proprietary Poly(A) 20-mer Ladder and quantitated by fluorescence-based gel band analysis.


EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit

Quantitate mRNA capping efficiency (percent capped RNA content) using standard polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
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ACE240910 EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit10 reactions POA Quantity Add to Order



EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit


  • Quantitate mRNA capping efficiency (percent capped RNA content) using standard polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).
  • Easy, cost-effective, benchtop method useful for QC as an alternative to HPLC and LC-MS analysis.


Product Description

The EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit provides quantitative capping efficiency (percent

capped RNA content) analysis of synthesized mRNA. 5'-cap structures can be added co-transcriptionallyor post-tran

scriptionally to in vitro transcribed (IVT) RNA to produce Cap 0 and/or Cap 1 structures as a step in the mRNA synthesis process. Since only capped RNAs will be expressed in cells, it is important to have the highest possible percentage of capped RNAs present in a sample. The EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit simplifies analysis and replaces tedious and expensive capping efficiency determination methods such as HPLC and mass spectrometry, instead allowing for determination based upon standard polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) methodology.

The EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay utilizes a chimeric RNA:DNA:RNA Targeting Oligonucleotide (user provided) which hybridizes to the 5'-end of an RNA mixture. This hybridization complex serves as a substrate for RNase H cleavage releasing the capped and uncapped 5'-end fragments which can subsequently be resolved via PAGE and quantified by gel band analysis allowing for the calculation of the percent capped RNA content of the sample. The EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay does not differentiate between Cap 0 and Cap 1 capped RNAs, only between capped (Cap 0 Cap 1) and uncapped RNAs.

For determination of Cap 0 vs Cap 1 content, CELLSCRIPT™ also offers the EZ-QC™ mRNA Cap 1 Efficiency Assay Kit as well as the EZ-QC™ mRNA Poly(A) Tail Length Assay Kit for complete mRNA characterization.

Product Performance


EZ-QC mRNA Targeting Oligonucleotide design considerations

The EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Targeting Oligonucleotide should be designed to release an mRNA 5'-end fragment of 25-40 nucleotides in length (Figure 1). This released fragment, /– the cap nucleotide, is to be resolved via PAGE analysis. RNase H cleavage will occur in the mRNA strand across from the 5'-most DNA base in the Targeting Oligonucleotide.


Figure 1. Graphic representation of mRNA and Targeting Oligonucleotide.



Resolution of capped and uncapped 5’-end fragments

Mixtures of capped and uncapped mRNA were assayed using the EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit and resolved on a polyacrylamide gel (Figure 2A). The Targeting Oligonucleotide facilitates cutting the mRNA at a single, repeatable location allowing for greater confidence in determining the percentage of capped and uncapped content of the assayed samples. The percent capped and uncapped mRNA in a mixture are calculated with a simple readout from any gel imaging system (Figure 2B).


Figure 2A. Capped and uncapped 5’-end fragments are efficiently resolved by PAGE allowing for capping efficiency analysis with standard lab equipment.

Figure 2B. Densitometric data from lanes 4, 5, and 6 from the above PAGE gel using a Syngene® G:Box Gel Documentation System. The percent capped and uncapped mRNA in each mixture are calculated using a simple readout.


Materials Supplied

Important Store at -20°C in a freezer without a defrost cycle. Do not store at –70°C.



EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Assay Kit (10 reactions)
Sufficient for 10 experimental and 10 control reactions.
Kit Component Reagent Volume
EZ-QC™ RNase H
in 50% glycerol, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), 0.1 mM EDTA and 0.1% Triton® X-100.
20 μl
10X EZ-QC™ RNase H Reaction Buffer
0.2 M Tris-acetate, pH 7.9, 0.5 M potassium acetate, 0.1 M magnesium acetate and 0.01 M DTT.
20 μl
ScriptGuard™ RNase Inhibitor, 40 U/μl
in 50% glycerol, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM DTT, 0.1 mM EDTA and 0.1% Triton X-100.
10 μl
Stop/Loading Buffer
95% formamide, 10 mM EDTA, pH 7.5, 0.01% Bromophenol Blue and 0.01% Xylene Cyanol
200 μl
RNase-Free Water 500 μl

Materials Required, but not Supplied

  • Purified capped mRNA/RNA
  • EZ-QC™ mRNA Capping Efficiency Targeting Oligonucleotide
  • Materials for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
  • Materials for polyacrylamide gel visualization, imaging and quantification.
  • Optional: molecular weight marker (e.g., ssDNA 10/60 Ladder [IDT])




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