Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Competent Cells

Competent Cells: Competent cells

A range of electrocompetent and chemically competent cleverly designed E. coli strains for everyday cloning needs through to more demanding applications like CRISPR, working with unstable DNA or low copy number clones. 

TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Phage T1-Resistant Electrocompetent E.coli

Phage T1-resistant TransforMax EPI300-T1R E. coli, like the standard TransforMax EPI300 E. coli, have been specifically engineered for use with Epicentre's; CopyControl™ Cloning Systems.

BioSearch Tech (Lucigen/Epicentre)

Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
EC02T110TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Electrocompetent E.coli10 x 100µl POA Quantity Add to Order


Phage T1-Resistant TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R E. coli have all the benefits of the highly versatile TransforMax EPI300™ E. coli competent cells with the addition of being resistant to bacteriophages T1 and T5 (tonA genotype).

Once introduced into the lab environment, bacteriophage T1 rapidly lyses E. coli strains that are commonly used in cloning applications and results in significant lab downtime and the loss of valuable clones. Bacteriophage T1 is particularly difficult to eliminate from the lab and can lay dormant for many years. The tonA genotype protects the phage T1-resistant TransforMax EC100-T1R cells and valuable clones from attack by bacteriophage T1.

Like the standard TransforMax EPI300 E. coli, this strain has been specially engineered for use with EPICENTRE's CopyControl™ Cloning Systems.* The cells contain an inducible mutant trfA gene whose gene product is required for initiation of replication from the oriV contained on the CopyControl pCC1™ Vectors or on clones that have been retrofitted with CopyControl capability using the EZ-Tn5™<oriV/KAN-2> Insertion Kit. This process allows TransforMax EPI300-T1R E. coli to maintain CopyControl vectors at single copy until induction occurs immediately before DNA purification.

*Covered by issued and/or pending patents.


F- mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) φ80dlacZΔM15 ΔlacX74 recA1 endA1 araD139 Δ(ara, leu)7697 galU galK Γ- rpsL nupG trfA tonA

TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Electrocompetent E. coli

Transformation efficiency of >1 X 1010 cfu/µg of pUC19

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Protocols for: TransforMax™ EPI300™-T1R Electrocompetent E.coli

Protocol can be obtained from the manufacturers product page

(catalogue number EC02T110 ) 

Please note: all protocols off site are the responsibility of the products supplier

If you cannot find the answer to your problem then please contact us or telephone +44 (0)1954 210 200

Applications & Benefits


  • Construction of inducible-copy-number genomic libraries using the CopyControl™ Cloning System, with clones that are resistant to contaminating phage T1 and T5.
  • Great for CRISPR and cloning large or difficult fragments


  • tonA for resistance to bacteriophages T1 and T5.
  • trfA gene under tight control of an inducible promoter for copy-number control of CopyControl clones and clones retrofitted with the EZ-Tn5<oriV/KAN-2> Transposon.
  • High transformation efficiency of both large and small clones.
  • lacZΔM15 for blue/white screening of recombinants.
  • Readily accepts large DNAs for construction of large-insert genomic libraries.
  • Restriction minus [mcrA, Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC)] enables efficient cloning of methylated DNA.
  • Endonuclease minus (endA1) to ensure high yields of DNA.
  • Recombination minus (recA1) for greater stability of large cloned inserts.

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