Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Gel Electrophoresis

Gel Electrophoresis: Gel Electrophoresis


MapMarker® The Next Generation in Single-Stranded Fluorescent DNA Sizing Standards


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
CM-MM-DY632Custom MapMarker® (NB minimum 8 bands, price per band)400ul 800 lanes, DY632 labelled £16.00 Quantity Add to Order
CM-MM-DY647Custom MapMarker® (NB minimum 8 bands, price per band)400ul 800 lanes, DY647 labelled £12.00 Quantity Add to Order
CM-MM-FLCustom MapMarker® (NB minimum 8 bands, price per band)400ul 800 lanes, FL labelled £12.00 Quantity Add to Order
CM-MM-HEXCustom MapMarker® (NB minimum 8 bands, price per band)400ul 800 lanes, HEX labelled £12.00 Quantity Add to Order
CM-MM-ROXCustom MapMarker® (NB minimum 8 bands, price per band)400ul 800 lanes, ROX labelled £12.00 Quantity Add to Order
CM-MM-TETCustom MapMarker® (NB minimum 8 bands, price per band)400ul 800 lanes, TET labelled £12.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000-632MapMarker® 1000800 loadings DY632 labelled £308.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000-FAMMapMarker® 1000800 loadings FAM labelled £254.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000-RXMapMarker® 1000800 loadings ROX labelled £254.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000-TMRMapMarker® 1000800 loadings TMR labelled £254.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000XL-FAMMapMarker® 1000 XL800 loadings £248.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000XL-RXMapMarker® 1000 XL800 loadings £248.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1000XL-TMRMapMarker® 1000 XL800 loadings £248.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1500-632MapMarker® 1500400ul 800 lanes, DY632 labelled £564.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-1500-RXMapMarker® 1500400ul 800 lanes, FAM labelled £254.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-400-FAMMapMarker® 400800 loadings FAM labelled £236.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-400-RXMapMarker® 400800 loadings ROX labelled £236.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-400-TMRMapMarker® 400800 loadings TMR labelled £236.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-500-DYMapMarker® 500400ul 800 lanes, DY632 labelled £230.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-500-FAMMapMarker® 500400ul 800 lanes, FAM labelled £230.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-500-RXMapMarker® 500400ul 800 lanes, ROX labelled £254.00 Quantity Add to Order
MM-500-TMRMapMarker® 500400ul 800 lanes, TAMRA labelled £254.00 Quantity Add to Order


The Next Generation in Single-Stranded Fluorescent DNA Sizing Standards 

(35-500 bp new standards as COMING SOON!)

MapMarker® are sets of high quality fluorescently labelled DNA fragments designed to provide consistent intensities and migration patterns for DNA sizing standards and are compatible with all fluorescent-based separation instruments systems. MapMarker DNA fragments are uniformly spaced to provide accurate base calling and precision sizing of samples. 

MapMarker® contains singular DNA strands with a single fluorophore and bands ranging from 50 to 1000 base pairs. Only single strands are labelled with a single dye; the products are available with all of the most commonly used fluorescent dyes, including rhodamine, tetramethylrhodamine, x-rhodamine and fluorescein. Custom configurations and dyes are also available. 

MapMarker® are evaluated for resolution, intensity and background on denaturing polyacrylamide sequencing gels using laser excitation. MapMarkers® are free of extraneous peaks over their entire sizing range and are free of 'pull up' signal in other channels. MapMarkers® produce consistent within run and between run sizing within their size range and reproducible runs in gels or capillary-based systems. MapMarkers may be used under either denaturing or non-denaturing conditions. Mapmarkers® are stable for a minimum of 18 months when stored in the dark at 4°C. 

MapMarker® are of excellent quality and very competitively priced. 

NEW: Custom MapMarker® - design your own (minimum order 8 bands; priced per band).

MapMarker® 1000

MapMarker® 1000 contains 23 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 50 to 1000 base pairs. The fragments are 50. 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 475, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950 and 1000 base pairs.




MapMarker® 400

MapMarker® 400 contains 20 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 70 to 400 base pairs. They are uniformly spaced at 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 380, and 400 base pairs.



 35-500 bp new standards as COMING SOON!





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