Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Extraction & Purification - DNA

Extraction & Purification - DNA: Environmental

Isolate DNA from difficult environmental samples such as soils, compost, clay and sewage.

Exgene™ Soil SV

Exgene™ Soil DNA mini provides a convenient method for the isolation of total DNA from soil samples. This kit utilizes powerful beads, an optimized buffer system and advanced silica binding technology to purify nucleic acid suitable for many applications. The advanced technology in this kit can deal with a number of different types of samples in soil including plant tissues, bacteria, fungi spores and others. In addition it efficiently removes humic acid and other PCR inhibitors. Removing humic acids is a critical factor for soil-based experiments as inadequate removal can have a negative effect on many downstream applications.


Catalogue No.DescriptionPack SizePriceQty
GA-114-150GeneAll Exgene Soil SV 50 mini preps POA Quantity Add to Order
GA-114-150X10GeneAll Exgene Soil SV 10 x 50 mini preps POA Quantity Add to Order
GA-114-150X5GeneAll Exgene Soil SV 5 x 50 mini preps POA Quantity Add to Order
GA-114-900Buffer SL 30 ml POA Quantity Add to Order
GA-114-910Buffer RH 7 ml POA Quantity Add to Order



ExgeneTM Soil DNA mini provides a convenient method for the isolation of total DNA from soil samples. This kit utilizes powerful beads, an optimized buffer system and advanced silica binding technology to purify DNA that is suitable for many applications. Theadvanced technology in this kit can deal with a number of different types of samples in soil including plant tissues, bacteria, fungi spores and others. Also, it efficiently removes humic acid and other PCR inhibitors from various soil samples. Removal of humic acid which is brownish in colour, is a critical factor for soil treating experiments: If they remain in the eluate, their presence can have a negative effect on downstream applications.

ExgeneTM Soil DNA mini comes together with powerful beads for strong pulverization. Soil samples are placed in the bead tube with lysis buffer, buffer SL, and homogenised by a bead-beater or vortex mixer. After centrifugation, the supernatant is mixed with precipitation buffer, buffer RH and buffer PD, to precipitate humic acid and protein. Next, the separated DNA-containing supernatant is mixed with  binding buffer, buffer TB, and DNA is bound to the silica membrane by centrifugation. Following washing with buffer NW, the bound DNA is eluted by buffer EB. Purified DNA can be used directly in conventional PCR, restriction analysis, electrophoresis and any other downstream applications.

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Features and Benefits

¦ Glassfibre membrane technology
¦ Sample size : Up to 500 mg
¦ Easy and fast purification of high-quality DNA
¦ Preparation time : ~ 25 minutes
¦ Efficient lysis step using PowerbeadTM tube
¦ Perfect removal of humic acid
¦ Stable and consistent yield
¦ No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation
¦ High purity : ready for the conventional and real-time PCR



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Purification of genomic DNA from River water sample





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Applications & Benefits

Purification of genomic DNA from River water sample

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