The AllspinTM total DNA/RNA purification kit provides a convenient method for the isolation of total DNA and total RNA simultaneously from a single sample of tissue or cultured cells. DNA and RNA are purified separately from a same sample by individual but a successive procedure using column B and column W respectively. Whole procedure can be performed in just 30 minutes. The maximum length DNA obtainable is 50 kb (average 30 kb) and that of RNA is longer than 200 nucleotides.

Features and Benefits
Glass fibre membrane technology
Sample size : Up to 20 mg tissue or up to 1 x 107 cultured cells
Typical yield of RNA : Up to 20ug / 1 x 106 cultured cells Up to 60 ug / 10 mg liver tissue
Typical yield of DNA : Up to 10 ug / 1 x 106 cultured cells Up to 25 ug / 10 mg liver tissue
High purity
Preparation time : ~ 30 minutes
Stable and consistent yield
No phenol / chloroform extraction
No ethanol precipitation
Ready for use in RT-PCR, northern blotting, dot blotting, in vitro translation, molecular Cloning, real-time PCR, RNase protection assays and other analytical procedures
Click here for protocol
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