Cambio - Excellence in Molecular Biology

Gel Electrophoresis

Gel Electrophoresis: Nucleic Acid Ladders

DNA Ladders

1 kb DNA Ladder Load Ready™

A ready-to-load molecular weight marker suitable for fragment size determination between 300 bp and 10,000 bp on gel electrophoresis

MiniPCR - Amplyus

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MP-RG-1002-011 kb DNA Ladder, Load Ready™500ul (100 lanes) €64.80 Quantity Add to Order


1 kb DNA Ladder, Load Ready™, 100 lanes


A ready-to-load molecular weight marker suitable for fragment size determination between 300 bp and 10,000 bp on gel electrophoresis. Our 1 kb DNA Ladder is formulated to run accurately and to result in sharp ban

d patterns. It contains two premixed dyes (bromophenol blue and xylene cyanole) for easy loading and migration tracking during gel electrophoresis.

The miniPCR™ 1 kb DNA Ladder contains 13 discrete DNA fragments ranging from 300 bp to 10,000 bp


  • 500 μl vial (50 μg)
  • Volume sufficient to run 100 lanes at 5 μl load per well.
  • Recommended for use with 0.8% to 1.6% agarose gels.
  • Suitable for use with non-toxic nucleic acid dyes premixed in the gel.
  • Stable for shipping at ambient temperature.
  • Recommended storage: -20°C for up to 24 months. If stored at room temperature, product is stable up to 9 months.



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