Explore a historical mystery with forensic DNA analysis! In 1483, two

English princes vanished, and now their remains might have been found.
Use gel electrophoresis to carry out forensic DNA analysis on the
unidentified remains.
Kit includes dye samples for 8 lab groups, agarose and electrophoresis buffer.
This dye electrophoresis lab introduces students to forensic DNA
analysis, and is inspired by the real-life historical mystery of the
Princes in the Tower. In 1483, two English princes vanished, and their
remains might have been found. Students use gel electrophoresis to
perform forensic DNA analysis from two pairs of unidentified remains
speculated to be the lost princes, along with the remains of the
princes’ parents. Based on authentic forensic biotechnology, this lab is
a fun and engaging introduction to DNA analysis and gel

The Princes in the Tower Dye Electrophoresis Lab features:
- Safe, non-toxic dyes that are directly visible without gel staining
- Pre-aliquoted samples for easy prep
- Gel electrophoresis reagents included: TBE electrophoresis buffer and 8 Agarose Tabs™
- Compatible with Bandit™, blueGel™, and traditional gel electrophoresis systems
- A low-cost jumping-off point to explore forensics and biotechnology

Lab at a glance:
- Techniques: Micropipetting, Gel electrophoresis
- Topics: Forensics, Genetics, Biotechnology
- Level: Middle School, General high school
- Time required: 45 minutes
What is included
Reagents for eight lab groups:
Reagents are stable for at least 12 months when stored at room temperature.
Required equipment:
Other requirements:
- Distilled or deionized H2O (to dissolve TBE buffer)
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